Dr. Cherie A Clodfelter Children's Literature Library
Named for the distinguished Chairman of the Department of Education, the 12,000 volume Clodfelter Children’s Library houses books for children and young adults. Among these are approximately 600 volumes authored by university students. The Department also maintains a Curriculum Library that supplements the volumes in the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library. The collection includes state adopted textbooks and professional volumes in elementary and secondary school curricula.
Location & Hours
- The Library is located within the offices of the Education Department, on the Lower Level of Braniff Graduate Building.
- The Library is open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday.
To search the catalog for the Clodfelter library remotely:
Click here.
- Go to the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library catalog page here.
- Click “Advanced Search” to the right of the big “Search” button near the top of the Page.
- On the Advanced Search page, click the “Library” dropdown menu.
- Select “Education Department” on the menu.
- You are ready to search our catalog!
Library Policies
Item Limits and Loan Periods | When you check out books from the Clodfelter Library, you will be subject to the following limitations:
Fines and Fees | Although the Clodfelter Library is fine free, losing or damaging a book will still
result in fees, as outlined below:
Checkout Policies |
Inside the Library |